Buxus Care

Buxus Care

For comprehensive information check out Buxusworld

Our Watering Recommendations for New buxus balls , 90% of the work has been done by us and all the tree needs now is 10% from you to ensure it remains healthy. Our watering policy at the nursery is to water each tree once a day, on hot and windy days it is twice a day. Once the trees leave the nursery they need to be watered with the same frequency, which would be very gradually reduced to twice a week after the first year. Everyone thinks they water their trees with heaps of water. Watering with a general irrigation programme in the garden is not enough. We recommend that the trees get 2 litres of water for every 10 litres of tree root ball per day, administered directly to the rootball every day for the first year. For example a 100L tree would need 20L of water, which is approx. 2 buckets full. You need to ensure that the water penetrates the rootball down to 500mm. Do not rely exclusively on lawn or garden sprinklers.
You can tell if the tree is wet enough by getting a piece of PVC pipe, sharpening one end and driving it into the ground at the base of the tree to the bottom of the root ball. If this core of soil is wet - well and good, if not then the tree is not getting deep enough watering. You can also tell a tree is stressed by lack of water if the leaves start turning yellow or curling up while on the tree and then falling off, especially the inside leaves which are the older leaves. To ensure the rootball is wet, apply a soil wetting agent and a liquid fertiliser (Seasol®). Never fertilise the tree with normal fertiliser if it is stressed. The above watering programme is for tap water. If using bore water check for pH of water to make sure it is neutral and salt levels are not too high. If not, contact a water specialist. No buxus balls will be covered under warranty for lack of care.

Buxus is a nutrient hungry plant and should be fed once or twice over the summer months, and we recommend a slow release fertilizer. Best in full sun, but will grow in partial sun minumim 5-6 hours of full sun. The basic rule of watering is thoroughly, newly planted buxus require daily watering for the first year. Whilst pruning traditionally takes place all year round it is best to avoid the hot summer months in Australia. Buxus is a stunning architectural plant and creates a significant visual impact on any garden, and with care will live for many years.

Boxwood is one of the best plants for low hedges and topiary. It is slow growing, and suits a wide range of conditions. It is easy to look after, and you can trim it into almost any shape. Unfortunately Buxus, like all plants, is susceptible to a few problems. Here are some simple tips to avoid problems developing and how to manage or fix them if they arise.

Right plant, right place

Buxus grows in sun or shade, but they are more susceptible to diseases in warm, wet conditions: ie when plants are wet all day and don’t get a chance to dry out. Don’t plant Buxus in a damp location; and choose the most robust and disease resistant varieties available. Such as our Californian variety suited perfectly for Australian conditions.

Keep plants fit & healthy

Keep plants well fed, watered and healthy and they will be better able to fight off problems. Buxus are like roses, and need generous amount of food and an average amount of water.

Prune at the right time of year, and keep tools clean

Buxus is slow growing and I trim twice a year in August before they put on their spring growth, and after Xmas when the tender light green foliage has hardened off and turned dark green.
Only trim on fine days, when all the foliage is dried out and rain isn’t forecast
Keep tools clean. I dunk my snips in diluted household disinfectant as I am trimming, to minimize the risk of spreading any infections
Spray immediately after trimming with copper to minimize the spread of disease in the cuts.

For the best results, use Eco-Prime Blue (SF30) Buxus fertiliser and apply three times per year