Buxus Ball Farm
Buxus Ball Farm specialises in growing topiary Buxus and distributes in and around Perth, Western Australia. As wholesale Buxus Topiary Growers we take pride in the quality of our plants. Buxus Green Gem Californian form is finally a box plant to suit Australian conditions. A long term plant excellent for shaping and hedging that does not turn yellow like Japanese Box in winter. A classic plant that is certain to perform in our climate. We can meet your needs no matter how big or small. Some of our personal favorites are the cone shapes, they make for an eye catcher in any landscape design. We have approximately 22,000 trees with various sizes under cultivation. If you would like more information please contact Glen at:
+61429 473 267
Custom orders / inquiries are welcome

Small 30cm Trade $190
Med 40cm Trade $350
Large 50cm Trade $450
XL Large 60cm Trade $490
Cone Shape
Large 80cm Trade $395